PEOPLE: Gerald Gunter, Luis Delgado, Graham Tanner, Andrew Cook, Tatjana Bolic
The ATM research team at UoW is engaged in transport research, consultancy, and teaching. It examines air transport issues in a holistic and integrated context, with a substantial focus on door-to-door passenger mobility and choice paradigms. Its research encompasses route planning, demand forecasting, economics of operation, and competitive analysis, with a strong emphasis on data-driven analyses, numerical models, and novel metrics for behavioural data, system performance, complex phenomena, and resilience.

PEOPLE: Ricardo Herranz, Oliva Garcia Cantú, David Mocholí, Martín Pozo
Nommon Solutions and Technologies (www.nommon.es) is a research-intensive technology company based in Madrid, Spain, specialised in the provision of information, quantitative analysis and decision support tools for the planning and management of transport and traffic systems. To this end, Nommon integrates supporting databases with analytical and simulation models that make use of a variety of data analysis and systems modelling techniques. Expertise is drawn from disciplines such as computer science, spatial analysis, data science, complexity theory, operations research, and transport and traffic engineering.
Nommon’s team is formed by 35 highly qualified employees (6 doctors and 29 engineers and computer scientists).

EUROCONTROL – European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
PEOPLE: Nadine Pilon, Laurent Guichard, Sergio Ruiz
EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental Organisation with 41 Member States, committed to building, together with its partners, a Single European Sky that will deliver the ATM performance required for the 21st century. EUROCONTROL employs more than 1,900 highly qualified professionals spread over four European countries.

PEOPLE: Benno Guenther, Maddie Quinlan
Salient is a behavioural science consultancy leveraging cutting-edge behavioural insights and techniques to design practical solutions to real-world problems. Our team brings together robust frameworks of behavioural science with years of industry expertise. This means using the latest research to shape bolder ideas and measurable impact for our clients from the private, public and not-for-profit sector. Our mission is to harness better decisions, for business, for policy, for people.

PEOPLE: Lorenzo Castelli, Paola Bassi, Andrea Gasparin
The main activity of the Operations Research group at the University of Trieste is related to mathematical optimisation applied to logistics and transport, with emphasis on various aspects of air traffic management, including market-based mechanisms for ATFM and airport slot allocation, analytical models to integrate flexibility to flights in congested airspaces or subject to disruptions as during explosive volcanic eruptions, and pricing mechanisms to redistribute traffic across the European air network.

PEOPLE: Eric Nantier, Marie Carré, Marie-Sophie Vockeroth
Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is the national airline of Switzerland and serves over 100 destinations in 44 countries all over the world from its Zurich hub and the further Swiss international airport of Geneva. With a fleet of 99 aircrafts, SWISS transports around 17 million passengers every year. SWISS is committed on various fronts to the careful and sustainable use of natural resources and pursues a responsible attitude towards the environment as an integral part of its corporate culture. Various internal projects to reduce fuel burn and increase flight efficiency in general have been conducted. The average fuel consumption per 100 passenger kilometres has decreased from 4.39 liters in 2003 to 3.15 liters in 2018 thanks to the replacement of older aircrafts with B777-300 and the brand-new Bombardier C-Series.